General Safety
- All attendees must adhere to safety instructions provided by event staff.
- Children must be supervised by adults at all times.
- No climbing on or touching machinery without permission.
Vehicle and Exhibit Operations
- Only authorised personnel are allowed to operate vintage vehicles, engines and other machinery.
- Speed limits must be obeyed within the showground area.
- 10 MPH in the OUTER AREA*
- 5 MPH in the INNER AREA**
- No reckless driving or exhibitionism with vehicles.
Parking and Traffic
- Follow the directions of parking attendants for designated parking areas.
- Respect designated pedestrian areas and pathways.
- Keep emergency access routes clear at all times.
- Dogs or any other animal or child must not be left in a vehicle without an adult present.
Waste Management
- Use designated bins for rubbish disposal.
- Avoid littering the showground area.
- Dispose of hazardous waste responsibly.
Alcohol and Substance Use
- No alcohol consumption by drivers or operators of vehicles.
- Illegal substances are strictly prohibited.
Pets and Animals
- All dogs (excepting those listed as banned or dangerous breeds) are welcome on the showground but must be on a lead and under the supervision of an adult at all times. (exception when under the direction of a dog show judge). All dog owners must ensure that they clear up any dog poop immediately. Poop bags are available from the dog show organiser if required.
- Respect animal welfare and do not disturb livestock or wildlife on the premises.
Respect for Exhibits
- Do not touch exhibits without permission.
- Photography is allowed but be mindful of others and their privacy.
- Respect the property of exhibitors and organisers.
Emergency Procedures
- Familiarise yourself with the location of emergency exits and first aid stations.
- In case of emergency, follow instructions from event staff and emergency personnel.
- Report any accidents or incidents to event organisers immediately.
Please show respect and consideration towards fellow attendees, exhibitors, and event staff. Any breaches of rules may result in removal from the event premises, the MWVMC reserve the right to eject anyone on the showground for any reason.
These rules should help ensure a safe, enjoyable, and successful event for all involved and we look forward to welcoming you!
*The OUTER AREA refers to the entrance road off the A489 to the ticketing entrance and on to the public parking area. All of the public car parking area and any additional area designated for trucks and trailers etc.
**The INNER AREA refers to all other areas which form the Vintage Rally Show Ground including the display lines for vintage and other vehicles, stationary engine display area, car boot line, main show ring, auction ring, craft marquee, Vintage Tea room, food village, and any other publicly accessible area.